Sunday, December 26, 2004

be happy, who knows " kal ho na ho"

the earthquake , floods do terrify the mankind at times... yesterday everybody were making merry n look wat has happened today??????
how , grateful v should all be n thank god for giving such a beautiful life, lovely home n wonderful parents, friends, sisters, brothers... instead most of us grumble about life, find faults with others...
wat is the most important thing in life> happiness... to live every moment thinking it is a gift of god... who knows god might not want to give u the same second another time.. wat ive felt all these days is is like a gre exam,
in yr gre, u get more difficult questions if u answer the first few questions correctly..but net result u r happy , u get a good score..
same way, god might give u more difficulties if u have been able to face the small difficulties in life, he wants to see u how u tackle it...but finally he gives u the best..
he keeps some people always happy,,,, it is not tat they r always rapturuous with tat bubbling energy, candid almost about everything... while u r abash with some minor failure...not all r happy, but make themselves happy,..
being credulous is not your fault, ...
u construe urself tat way...
here are some ways where u can boost ur hidden energy n do your best....
u get confidence u can achive a lot of things n ull realize the real worth of " u"

. Recognize your special qualities. Make a list of all your positive qualities -- not including your physical traits. Are you kind? Artistic? Honest? Good in business? Do you make people laugh? Post your list near the mirror or another place where you'll see it every day. 2. Put your body back together. Most of us with negative body images have dissected our bodies into good and bad parts. "I hate my thighs and butt." "My butt's okay, but my stomach is fat and my arms are flabby." Reconnect with your body by appreciating how it all works to keep you going. Try stretching or yoga -- the fluid movements are great for getting in touch with the wonders of the human body. 3. Remember the kid inside you. Give yourself permission not to be perfect. Inside all of us is the kid we used to be -- the kid who didn't have to be perfect and worry about everything. Remember that kid, and give yourself a break! Place a photo of yourself as a child in your bedroom or at your desk at work, so you can see it each day and remember to nurture yourself and laugh a little. 4. Enjoy your food. Eating is pleasurable. So enjoy it! Food gives us energy and sustains life. Don't deprive yourself or consider eating an evil act. If you allow yourself to enjoy some of the foods you like, you'll be less likely to overeat. In turn, your body won't feel bloated and uncomfortable. 5. Indulge in body pleasures. One step toward being kind to your body, and inevitably yourself, is to indulge yourself. Get a massage, take a long, hot bath, use lotions that smell good, or treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure. 6. Speak positively. Pay attention to your self-talk. It's amazing how often we put ourselves down throughout the day -- it's time to stop! Each time you catch yourself making critical comments, fight back by immediately complimenting yourself. 7. See the world realistically. It's common to compare ourselves to people in magazines or movies, but this can make you feel self-conscious. If you want to compare yourself to others, look at the real people around you. They come in different shapes and sizes -- and none of them are airbrushed or highlighted. 8. Dress in clothes that fit. When we feel badly about our bodies, we often dress in shabby clothes, waiting until we lose weight before we buy something we like. But why? Feel good now! Find attractive clothes that fit your current size. Treating yourself will make you feel renewed. 9. Be active. Movement and exercise can make you and your body feel terrific! Not only does exercise help boost your mood, it stimulates your muscles, making you feel more alive and connected to your body. 10. Thrive! Living well will help you feel better about who you are and how you look. Strive to make your personal and professional lives fulfilling. You are a unique, amazing person -- don't forget it! A healthy, happy life can be all yours!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ur jus like my mom.....i think u will make a perfect mother.....lets c....