Manifesting seems to fall into one of the two categories.
- Totally woohoo , where you imagine, visualize without knowing exactly how it all works
- Working harder and harder on something until it succeeds.
But manifesting or achieving your desires is actually a science, an exact science which we can use.
- Understand that beliefs create your reality. Rhonda Byrnes "Everything is possible" youtube video made it super clear for me. Our actions are determined by our subconscious beliefs and changing them can change our reality. That's why knowing something doesnt mean you will do it (For example, you know you have to eat healthy to lose weight, but you might find it hard to do it long term due to past habits ruled by subconscious mind)
- Let go of negativity and negative emotions. Our life is like a flowing river and negative emotions are like clutter. Most of the time we resist any negative emotions creating more and more clutter. Instead welcome any negative emotion that you might feel. The more and more you accept your negative emotions and let go of the clutter, the more you realize your own power.
- Understand your desires. Is your desire impersonal or personal? The video by Rupert Spira explains this in more detail. In short, if your desire is arising from lack then you have to go back to step #2. Your desire should arise from happiness and contentment and it is much easier to have those desired fulfilled.
- Understand what beliefs are stopping you from achieving those desires. Subconscious beliefs can be changed through affirmations, visualizations, repetition , EFT and many other techniques. Remove and replace the negative belief with a positive one.
- Get happy. Be joyful. Use Abraham Hicks videos to first tune into joy before taking any inspired action. Imagine that whatever you are seeking is already yours. Feel as if you already have it.
- Take as much inspired action as possible. Actions that you need to take will come as thoughts to you rather than you slogging around mindlessly.
- Surrender and let go. You have done your best now, it is the universe turn to fulfill your desire.
If you would like to work with me to achieve any specific goal you have, email me at
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