Sunday, January 06, 2019

New Year - 2019

It is a new year again. Years seem to be racing too fast, one after the other. With that, things around me are changing as well. This year was good in that it really helped me to understand what my true passion is. It had to go through a journey, but it still resulted in some progress.

I did make some mistake in 2018 though. One was constantly listening to all the advise around me. I think I also kind of gave up on my dreams and started to become practical.

But this year, I intend to tune into the source energy.  To see what dream the creator has for me and try to put in my best effort to achieve it.  It isn't like the other things in which I did not know how I would achieve success. Rather, this feels like I am definitely bound to be succesful in this.

It is something that I really enjoy doing and what others like to consume as well.

So here is to a great 2019!!! To listen to yourself and dream on.

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