Monday, March 14, 2011


With most of the people I know turning atheists, I turn everyday to my deeply religious roots. Is it because I am a very complicated person? I wonder! I need some help from our scriptures to understand how to be more peaceful, happy and content. The scriptures have a lot to offer. Ramayana tells us the story of Rama – an extremely virtuous person living a normal life. When we turn our attention to people like that, slowly we imbibe their characteristics. When I listen or read to the numerous stories in our scriptures (I love stories as well), it makes me deeply content. I am yet to understand the reason for the contentment. The grand images and beautiful characters who are ever giving make me inspired.
I am not against atheists. I don’t understand why atheists hate theists like me. The atheists totally detest temple worship. Are they totally oblivious of the fact that the temples support millions of small businesses – in the form of flowers, idols and calendars/posters? The money donated to a temple by rich people goes to good causes. Temples offer free food and shelter for homeless people. A small part of the money goes into buying coconuts and other worship items for the idols. I guess it is not such an immense amount to the millions looted by our politicians.
If someone really followed our scriptures, they would contribute to a loving and beautiful society. Yet, most of us follow things that are convenient to us.


Ramachandran said...

really thought provoking, on the whole very good, Raman

saranya said...

Thank you, Appa.