Saturday, April 09, 2005

beauty of life

getting twenty year old makes me feel i am big... but still people around me , say i am very kiddish.. there r a bunch of them saying i am very mature... but i think i am both.. kiddish when it comes to getting amazed by life, new things, ... curious n enjoying small stuffs.. mature while takin decisions, n where maturity is required..
i feel at most times that i am an odd creature being created on this earth.. i don behave the way the entire world is behaving,,, i think the mind which god has given me , doesnt stop thinkin(both good n bad), doesnt stop predicting future(by correlating past), it goes on n on n on..
but most people, i think almost 99.9% of people dont think tis far.. i feel there is no neccisity to think tat far..
when somebody tell me somethin, i always seem to find hidden meanin n unambigous things in it....
but how do i stop it? there is no control.. it wants to experiment new things without thikin of its consequences,,,,
and 1 more thing i wanna do in my life,,,, stop analyzing my character..
one more thin i wrote thinkin of this...
An uncontrallable desire
An ever feverish pain
An ever desiring wantedness
A never ending love…………………………………………………..
towards people around..
but sara is pretty bad at that, hey na?

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