Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Let it Flow

There is something very deep in my heart
That wants to come out
But there are boundaries
And walls built around it
It seems so pure
It seems almost god-like
But it is not allowed to flow
I don’t know if I can keep it within me
They say the consequences can be very bad
Kill it
Suppress it
Focus on something else
But there is no other option but to let it flow
And see what happens…

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Strip away your concern of what others might think
Then strip away your anxieties of tomorrow
Slowly but steadily strip away your regrets of yesterday
The pain you caused to others
And the pain others caused you
Let go of all your efforts that never materialized
Then let go of your guilt of the efforts that you didn’t put forth wholeheartedly
When you go deeper and deeper like this
You will find JOY
And beneath Joy, you will find LOVE


Your life does not matter to anyone
Nor does it matter to you
Why not do something fun with it?
Your life does not matter to you
Yet, it is the most precious and only thing that you have
Why not do only what you want to do with it
You are here for a short while
And walking closer to death everyday
So why not try something new
You may not like it
Nor would it benefit anyone
But you would have marveled
You would have rejoiced
You would have loved
If only you knew that life does not matter to anyone or you
Yet, it is the most precious thing you have

Adult Love

Young love comes like a storm
It shatters the body and soul
Unites two people pinging and longing for each other
When hearts are broken
Pain and agony ensues
Leaving the heart closed for a while
Adult love comes like a slight breeze blowing by your window
It gently brushes the cheeks and illuminates the soul
It does not break your heart
But creates a wise mind that can learn from love

Friday, November 23, 2018

Treasures and God

You put so much treasure inside me
And also created this urge to share it with the world
You also created so many obstacles and failures for it to materialize
What game are you playing?
Would it be fun if instantly the treasures came out and the world loved it?
The real treasure is the person you become as you unearth these treasures and overcome obstacles
Then you will have lived a more interesting life
A life worthy of living over and over again through several incarnations

Goodbye Love

Love often is an invited guest
But a welcome guest
It comes unannounced
To transform us
Create something magnificent from the ruins within us
As it comes unannounced
It goes unannounced
There is no way to persuade it to stay longer
To convince saying, I need more transformation
When love decides to leave,
There is nothing much to do
But smilingly say goodbye
Waiting for the next time it comes again unannounced
Much more Beautiful
Much more deeper

Live your life

You yell at me
You blame me for all your miseries and misfortunes
But you have no power over me
You are just a man with no self esteem or backbone

Whatever little fortune you have in your life is because of me

If you really want to change your life
Leave me and go and see if your tendencies will change
We will all be better for it.

But you cannot curtail me
You cannot kill my spirit

I will live my life the way I want to
I provide for myself and don’t need you in the slightest bit to do that for me
I make my own decisions
And I live my life the way I want to

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Simple Love

You think you need to do great things to get me
Create a great orchestra
Create an electrifying painting

If only you knew
That a beautiful sound is enough
Enough for me to even love a cigarette flake

A great cup of coffee
Can set my heart on fire

Just say I am beautiful
And I am yours
Show me that I am desired
And I will dedicate my entire life to you

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Lost Love

A love came my way
Unadulterated and pure

It seemed very shallow
As I walked with him on the street

He always held my hand
And wanted to kiss me

I let that love go by
Thinking that many other love are coming my way

Lots of love came my way
But I still think of that night
That walk
Holding of hands
And the kiss that never materialized.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

One Sided Love

Dressed as a bride
As beautiful as a moon on a bright blue sky
She stood and smiled at me

I yearned to go near her
To touch her
I yearned for her to desire me

Maybe all I needed was for her to love me
So I could forget her

How futile is this love?
Love for a woman who loves someone else

A love that has no present or future
But searches for that moment where two souls can merge to become one

Friday, October 26, 2018


Is it the magnetism of my eyes
Magnified by the gentle  eyelids that flutter like the wings of a swan
Or is it my electric smile
Powerful enough to energize a dull room
What is it that you love about me?
Is it my skin soft as butter?
Translucent like tender pieces of coconut
That drives you wild?
Is it my long slender fingers that fit together most perfectly to my palm
Making it the world’s most beautiful creation of touch
The touch that sends a shiver around your body
And also a constant yearning to be near me
Or is it my voluptuous body with its share of imperfections
Is it the scent of my body mixed with the perfume creating a maddening fragrance of intoxication?
Or is it after all my heart?
Childlike and naïve, ready to believe anything

Ready to love you with all my being

Love Happens

What is the exact moment
When love happened?
The pure unadulterated love
Did happen when my eyes met yours
Or when your heart understood mine

Friday, October 19, 2018

Not Mine

The face is mine
But the expressions are not

The voice is  mine
But the words are not

The Hands are mine
But the touch is not

The Heart is mine
But the love isn't

Obsessive Love

I am embarrassed by my love for you
Trying to hide it  from everyone and everything

I try to replace my desire for you with a desire for a million dollars
I make a few hundred thousand
and return to you

Which hole in me do you fill so well?
That my being feels so empty without your thought

I see a different me in your presence
someone who feels like she is really is me
I understood who I really was
How full of love

How futile is this love?
A love that has no future
or Present
but that which just lives in the memories of that one day
and one night
A night and day which never can repeat itself

Monday, October 08, 2018


My face, my smile and my body
Seem so beautiful to you
And you want to be near it
And experience it

Try my soul, my mind and my feelings
They are so vast, enigmatic and not so transient
You will experience beauty and its true essence

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Making a movie?

Recently I submitted a concept for a movie on a contest for debut female director. I don't know why I did that. But that contest poster appeared as a sign to me. It had become oversized and stood before me asking me to pay heed to it.

So I compiled some of the stories and writing I had done over the years and submitted it.  I had no hopes, but I was selected and called for a workshop. I did spend an inordinate amount of money to come to India for this workshop, but my life had become so dull that I could not miss doing this.

Coming to this workshop opened up a whole new world to me. First of all it was so much fun to learn how to create art. I have always wanted to be a writer, but my literary talents are not great. Maybe movies are the way I express myself.  I do love movies and spent hours analyzing why I like what I like.

So this world of cinema had a bunch of people who are so passionate, who love making art so much. They are living with needs that are bare minimum.  It made me wonder, how much we have complicated survival. With wanting to eat so many different kinds of food day in and day out to keep us entertained so that we can do a job we do not like.

The alternative to that is to live a life of passion and spend very little on survival. But most of us have this totally upside down.  Needless to say, I enjoyed three days in this zone thinking about art, watching art and reflecting deep within myself what I needed to communicate to this world. What is that space within me which I feel uncomfortable to get into.

I have never been afraid to step out of my comfort zone, maybe finally that will come useful in this field. 

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Our passion finally finds us.

I fly back to USA in a day. I feel more nervous than ever since I am flying back with Sid alone. It is exciting yet unnerving. I look out of the window and see cars, bikes and every automobile on the road. It gives me a sense of stability and peace. Yesterday I was driving by the O2 gym and I experienced a twinge in my heart.  I think what I will miss most are the dance classes. Maybe I am making too much of it, but they were the most enjoyable times of my life.

I had two conversations here with two people along the same lines. It led me wonder about myself. I thought business was my passion. But my desire for business came along only when I started having desire for money. Then is that a real passion. I would write for hours even when I knew I would get no reward for it. I can dance for hours by paying someone else. I can drink chai like there is no end to the world. Then these are my real passions. Is it?

It is interesting that I have worked on these passions without my knowledge. Every song I watch, I subconsciously pick up steps to dance on. Add to this all my zumba and various dance classes (bollywood dance) All the movies and books I read, i keep picking up ways to write better. Not to mention all the writing workshops I go to. And chai, my hunt for chai never stops.

So my entrepreneur friend was telling stories of how he started doing business while he was way younger.  How he had stickers that he sold to other kids by hiding in his socks and he was compared to a smuggler in those times. My dad's friend who is a writer now narrated a story about he wrote stories in papers and binded it together using a safety pin and how friend drew pictures in that book. We all have stories about this. Our passion always stays with us. We are just not aware of it. 

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Life that I love

At times it might feel a lot of things need to fall in place to create a life that we love.  We need enough money, loving family and friends around and the freedom to do whatever we want. Yet, recently I discovered that creating a life that I love is simple. I need to figure out what are the things that I really love and keep doing it.

What do I love? It all started with Zumba. I love dancing. My mom sensed my interest in dancing and put me in a dance school when I was five years old. However as things got tough with dancing, I didn't pursue it with the same vigor. Add to this my dad's transfers, my dancing chapter ended very early.

Once I was investigating the topic of passion, I read Elizabeth Gilbert's quote that whatever gives you joy is a clue to your happiness. At that time I thought one of the most beautiful periods of my life was when I was in college. At that time I spent a lot of time writing poetry and fiction. Definitely writing is another of my passion. Something that I really really love. To this I love watching interesting stories and reading books.

I love deep connections and intense conversations ( it is quite rare though these days). When I was younger (in college or so) I was surrounded by these kinds of people. I thought these kinds of people will increase as I grow older.  Maybe it was me who stopped looking for these people. I am on the lookout again.

It is interesting that you don't even realize you like something so much. I am obsessed about it. One such thing like that is chai. I love it so much and so particular about the way I want to drink my chai. This Chennai trip, I got to taste some of the most amazing chai in chai kings and Coffee Shastra.  This has led me to look out for various ways to create better chai.

Overall this Chennai trip has been a blast helping me realize what my different interests are. If my life is filled with these things, indeed it will be a dream life!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Givers Vs Takers

Throughout our life we have been taught that we have to take, get a good deal, make sure we are not overpaying, or overworking etc. Of course these are thoughts of the masses.
I have spent most of my life in the taking mode only realizing and enjoying the benefits of giving recently.
The way to prosperity, happiness and contentment is of course- giving. When you give you make your life more interesting and worth living.
When you are in the taking mode, whatever you get never seems enough. You just want more, more and more leading to greed. However when you are in the giving mode, the more you give the more you get paradoxically.
Making the shift from takers to givers can be simple and it can be done by following the steps below.

  • See how you can help the people in your life by doing something simple. 
  • Stop thinking "what is in it for me, " when someone asks you for a favor. 
  • Find opportunities to make other people's lives better. 
  • Always find a way to outdo what someone does for you.
I am still making the transition from takers to giver and in moments of worry, agitation and anxiety, I do see myself shifting to the taker mode.  I do hope to do the steps as above to keep getting into the giving mode. 

Sunday, January 21, 2018


Dance is like meditation to me ever since I was a little girl. I love it and like a lover who can't get over her ex, I kept returning to dance whenever I had a chance.
In my Chennai visit I decided to take up zumba. Why not dance and get a workout at the same time?
I didn't have high hopes. I have taken classes at the best of the best in nyc. How could this one be any better?
I signed up for a trial class. I was led inside through the front door of a beautifully designed gym. Two men were dancing in the front row. Which one is the teacher? I wondered. In some time it becomes clear.
This guy is charming. He makes eye contact and acknowledges the fact that first class will be hard. He tries to show me steps in advance but for some reason I am locked up by his energy and dance. Class progresses and I realize I am more focussed on the dancer than the dance. Slowly my dream unravels as he dances to the tunes of local Indian film songs.  It just takes time for any of our dreams to manifest. I can't remember how long I have dreamed about dancing to local Indian music.
I go home in a high having experienced deep soul connection without uttering a word. Some folks exist as pure love in the moment and this dance teacher was no exception.
Couple of classes later my expectations are high. Another instructor comes to the class. I am disappointed. But this one is a different dancer. Soon he is dancing to some of my favorite songs and I realize I am dancing effortlessly and enjoying it. I am dancing so well. This guy is a great dancer too! I leave the class happy at having rediscovered the dancer in me.
Next class the instructor messages us in advance to let us know he won't make it and someone else will fill in.  Another instructor shows up. I am clearly annoyed as this one asks me to smile as I dance.  He doesn't radiate love and his energy doesn't seem to match mine. But he is totally uninhibited. He dances with abandon and sings along on the top of his voice.  His energy level is mind blowing.  I see myself relaxing and dancing even better.

At the end of the class I wonder if there are several approaches to serving people.  You can love them and be focussed on them, you can improve your craft and become very good at it or you can be yourself totally uninhibited. Each flavor gives you contentment while improving the lives of the people around you.

I wonder what's in store at my next zumba class. I secretly hope for the love and energy match.

Meeting a Friend - Part 2

He asks me why I thought about him today. Tears are rolling down my eyes uncontrollably, involuntarily.  I feel embarrassed, but almost safe to cry in his presence. As if he knows what I am going through.

I tell him I have no friends.  People I talk to, yes! People I hang out with, yes! But not anyone who truly understands my dreams and what I want to do.  And that he was the only person who could understand me right now.

He says he feels happy that I thought of him when I was in trouble. But keeps asking me why I didn't think of him the moment I landed in India. I don't have an answer for him, but my fears.

As if sensing what I want to hear, he starts narrating a story from his business. The office room in which we were talking belonged to a building where he has his own Chinese restaurant and an ice-cream shop.  He had his first business in the same building ( It belonged to his family and he has put it to good use).

His first business had something to do with backup systems.  Six months into starting it, he was into debt. He had to sell his car to make his payroll. Prior to that he was the highest performing sales guy in Microsoft. He knew he would make it. He and his partner got drunk in the same office at the end of six months almost on the verge of closing the business.

As divine guidance would have it, he had an idea the next day. He had been focussing on IT companies so far. Maybe he should look at a different segment. He looked at pharmaceutical, manufacturing, financial , agri and everything he could think of. In three months he had repaid all his debts and his business took off.

Exactly this is what I wanted to hear.

In between my conversations I still cry.  I wonder how my life would have been if I never met him.

I remember my conversations with him when I was hardly sixteen. How he passionately narrated stories about his grandfather who started his own business by bicycling and delivering everyday. He saw how his grandfather had a lot of money all the time and how it was his dream to start his business. Today it has all come true.

I wonder what was my mindset at that time. Was I influenced by all his talk that I also wanted my own business. When did my desire to have my own business originate? I don't have an answer.

The universe does a great job matching similar people.

We decide to meet again soon. I have to go back to put my son to sleep and get ready for a call in US time. He needs to get back home. But our conversations will continue.

Meeting a Friend - part 1

I meet a friend of mine who I have known for over 17 years. We have been on and off friends. We would be friends, then have a fight and not talk for years. Then meet again and do the same thing all over again.

He and I have the same core. At times it feels like he is the only person who will understand me. He is an entrepreneur. I am one too!!!

When you are a mom and an entrepreneur and make your own schedule, there is a common misconception that you are a stay at home mom. People dismiss me off as a stay at home mom among people who go to work for someone else. It is painful to write that. But it is true.

99% of my acquaintances work for someone else and seem happy. I don't know if they think that it is their calling or they think there is no other way to succeed. I don't want to judge, but understand.

I understand this friend. He only does what he likes. He hardly works one hour a day. He comes up with ideas and executes them. He is not sitting at an office and wondering if his idea will work. He executes it to find out if the idea will succeed. Money comes to him in exceeding quantities. He is not worried if he can enter the job market. He knows exactly what he wants and fills his life with things he loves.

I want his life. Maybe not working an hour a day, working 4 hours everyday. Honestly I am at a point in my life where I don't mind working. Being a mom has taught me to work, to give myself whole-heartedly to a cause.

'If you are spending your life doing things you don't like, it is like getting raped." He says. 

'What about survival?" I ask him. He gets distracted by a phone call. 

He then talks about his recent project. He buys apartments and rents them out on Airbnb. He shows me pictures, they are beautifully decorated. Interiors are beautifully decorated and I can see his love on every corner of the room.

'I hate routine' he says. 

'Me too!' I blurt out. 

'Some days I don't even like to brush because it is a routine.' He says. 

'Maybe I am not that bad' I say to myself

' Some days I like to drown myself in work when a project is starting and then I don't work for several weeks.' He says

That is how I want my life to be. I think!

In an earlier conversation, he had mentioned that he likes starting things. I think all entrepreneurs like starting and I am no exception to that!

Is it easier because he is a man? I wonder. 

He disagrees, he thinks its the same for a man and woman. I don't agree. He doesn't know all the things I have to go through everyday. Some people look at woman as an object and never really take her seriously. 

He narrates his struggles. Not having enough money, taking humiliating remarks from his dad, crying to sleep every  night.

I hadn't spoken to him for 5 years. And then, I thought meeting him was my only option. I was in that state where I was crying, where I felt I was failing in my business and meeting him was going to give me some hope that I was going to succeed and be like him some day.